Mono.Debugging.xml Command

Mono.Debugging.xml Command


Development Environment for GNOME

Install Mono.Debugging.xml

  • Debian apt-get install monodevelop Click to copy
  • Ubuntu apt-get install monodevelop Click to copy
  • Fedora dnf install monodevelop Click to copy
  • Raspbian apt-get install monodevelop Click to copy


Development Environment for GNOME

MonoDevelop is a GNOME IDE primarily designed for C# and other CLI (.NET) languages. It is the unbranded version of Xamarin Studio. It supports the following languages: C, C++, C# (1.0, 2.0 and 3.0), Vala, Boo, Java, Nemerle, ILasm, ASP.NET and VB.NET. Features: Debugger Integration (Mono Debugger and GNU Debugger), Class Browser, Assembly Browser, Built-in Help, Monodoc Integration, Code Completion (also known as IntelliSense), Code Folding, Color Schemes, Code Refactoring, On-the-fly error underlining, XML Editing, Embedded HTML viewer, Gettext support, GTK# Designer, MSBuild project support and Makefile Generation.

Installation of latest Mono.Debugging.xml command is available for Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora and Raspbian. You can copy the command for your OS from above and paste it into your terminal. Once you run the command it will download the 2024 latest package from the repository and install it in your computer/server.