Install Gpiv_aint On A Debian, Ubuntu And Raspbian

Install Gpiv_aint On A Debian, Ubuntu And Raspbian


command line programs for Particle Image Velocimetry

Install gpiv_aint

  • Debian apt-get install gpivtools Click to copy
  • Ubuntu apt-get install gpivtools Click to copy
  • Raspbian apt-get install gpivtools Click to copy


command line programs for Particle Image Velocimetry

A collection of programs for images that are generated during a Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) experiment. This is a technique to obtain the velocity field of a fluid flow quantitatively and is performed by tracking tracer particles that have been seeded to a fluid. The technique is also applied for observing deformations at surfaces of (solid) bodies. The package contains: * an image processing program for typical filtering and manipulation routines that may be convenient for PIV. * an image interrogation program resulting into estimators of particle image displacements. * validation programs to test on outliers, peak-locking effect and velocity gradients. * post-processing programs for data manipulation (flipping, rotation etc), spatial and time scaling, calculation of spatial averages and derivative quantities from the PIV data, like vorticity and strain. * miscellaneous programs and scripts to perform image format conversion, batch-processing, pipeline processing (image evaluation, validation and post-processing at once), calculation of time averages from a series of PIV data sets, data-visualization and data-manipulation. All programs start with gpiv_. This package contains all files used by gpivtools and gpivtools-mpi, like the man pages.


command line programs for Particle Image Velocimetry - MPI version

A collection of programs for images that are generated during a Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) experiment. This is a technique to obtain the velocity field of a fluid flow quantitatively and is performed by tracking tracer particles that have been seeded to a fluid. The technique is also applied for observing deformations at surfaces of (solid) bodies. The package contains: * an image processing program for typical filtering and manipulation routines that may be convenient for PIV. * an image interrogation program resulting into estimators of particle image displacements. * validation programs to test on outliers, peak-locking effect and velocity gradients. * post-processing programs for data manipulation (flipping, rotation etc), spatial and time scaling, calculation of spatial averages and derivative quantities from the PIV data, like vorticity and strain. * miscellaneous programs and scripts to perform image format conversion, batch-processing, pipeline processing (image evaluation, validation and post-processing at once), calculation of time averages from a series of PIV data sets, data-visualization and data-manipulation. This package contains the MPI-parallelized programs for use on a (Beowulf) cluster. All programs start with gpiv_.

Installation of latest gpiv_aint command is available for Debian, Ubuntu and Raspbian. You can copy the command for your OS from above and paste it into your terminal. Once you run the command it will download the 2024 latest package from the repository and install it in your computer/server.