Install Blescan On A Arch And Kali

Install Blescan On A Arch And Kali


Python module for interfacing with Bluetooth LE devices through Bluez

Install blescan

  • Arch Linux pacman -S python-bluepy Click to copy
  • Kali Linux apt-get install python3-bluepy Click to copy


Python module for interfacing with Bluetooth LE devices through Bluez


Python interface to Bluetooth Low Energy on Linux (Python 3)

This package contains a Python module to allow Bluetooth Low Energy (a.k.a Bluetooth Smart) peripherals to be controlled from Python. This package installs the library for Python 3.

Installing blescan command is simple. just copy one of the above commands for your operating system and paste it into terminal. This command is available for Arch and Kali operating systems. Once you run the command it will install the latest version of blescan 2024 package in your OS.