How To Install Wifi-honey On Kali?

How To Install Wifi-honey On Kali?


Wi-Fi honeypot

Install wifi-honey

  • Kali Linux apt-get install wifi-honey Click to copy


Wi-Fi honeypot

In the case of WPA/WPA2, by running airodump-ng along side this you also end up capturing the first two packets of the four way handshake and so can attempt to crack the key with either aircrack-ng or coWPAtty. What this script does is to automate the setup process, it creates five monitor mode interfaces, four are used as APs and the fifth is used for airodump-ng. To make things easier, rather than having five windows all this is done in a screen session which allows you to switch between screens to see what is going on. All sessions are labelled so you know which is which.

To install the latest version of wifi-honey in your favorite operating system just copy the wifi-honey installation command from above and paste it into terminal. It will download and install the latest version of wifi-honey 2024 package in your OS.