How To Install Taurusdesigner On Debian, Ubuntu And Raspbian?

How To Install Taurusdesigner On Debian, Ubuntu And Raspbian?


framework for Tango Control System CLI and GUI applications.

Install taurusdesigner

  • Debian apt-get install python-taurus Click to copy
  • Ubuntu apt-get install python-taurus Click to copy
  • Raspbian apt-get install python-taurus Click to copy


framework for Tango Control System CLI and GUI applications.

TAURUS is a library for connecting client side applications (command-line interfaces and graphical user interfaces) to TANGO device servers, mainly developed by CELLS Alba Synchrotron Controls Section. TAURUS is built on top of PyTango which is a python binding for the Tango library. It provides an abstraction layer that allows TANGO to be accessed in a pythonic, object oriented way. For the GUI part, TAURUS is built on top of the graphical library PyQt which is a python binding for Qt. The goals of this library are: Provide a simple Tango API to the end-user application Speed up development of tango based applications Provide a standardized look-and-feel In many aspects, TAURUS follows the same approach as the TANGO Java Application Tool Kit: Tango ATK. If you know ATK, TAURUS will look familiar. The TAURUS library is divided into two parts: the core module which handles all interaction with PyTango and the Qt module which provides a collection of widgets that can be used inside any PyQt based GUI.

Install the latest version of taurusdesigner in Debian, Ubuntu and Raspbian from terminal. To install the taurusdesigner just copy the above command for your OS and run into terminal. After you run the command it will grab the latest version of taurusdesigner from the respository and install it in your computer/server.