How To Install POFileEquiv On Debian, Ubuntu, Kali And Raspbian?

How To Install POFileEquiv On Debian, Ubuntu, Kali And Raspbian?


Collection of tools for checking PO and POT files

Maintainer: Javier Fernandez-Sanguino Pen~a

Section: devel

Install POFileEquiv

  • Debian apt-get install gettext-lint Click to copy
  • Ubuntu apt-get install gettext-lint Click to copy
  • Kali Linux apt-get install gettext-lint Click to copy
  • Raspbian apt-get install gettext-lint Click to copy


Collection of tools for checking PO and POT files

Gettext-lint provides an assorted collection of tools that make it easy to check the consistency, validity and spelling of gettext files (both PO and POT). This package includes: * POFileStatus - PO file validator and status reporting * POFileChecker - searches for common mistakes in PO files * POFileConsistency - PO file consistency checks * POFileEquiv - PO file glossary generator * POFileGlossary - search for translation errors against a glossary * POFileFill - automatically translate a PO file based on other files * POFileSpell - PO file spell checker * POFileClean - eliminates untranslated strings

To install the latest version of POFileEquiv in your favorite operating system just copy the POFileEquiv installation command from above and paste it into terminal. It will download and install the latest version of POFileEquiv 2024 package in your OS.