How To Install Col5 In Debian, Ubuntu, Alpine, Kali, Fedora, Raspbian And MacOS?

How To Install Col5 In Debian, Ubuntu, Alpine, Kali, Fedora, Raspbian And MacOS?


text window manager, shell multiplexer, integrated DevOps environment

Maintainer: Alexander Chernyakhovsky


Section: misc

Install col5

  • Debian apt-get install byobu Click to copy
  • Ubuntu apt-get install byobu Click to copy
  • Alpine OS apk add byobu Click to copy
  • Kali Linux apt-get install byobu Click to copy
  • Fedora dnf install byobu Click to copy
  • Raspbian apt-get install byobu Click to copy
  • macOS brew install byobu Click to copy


text window manager, shell multiplexer, integrated DevOps environment

Byobu is Ubuntu's powerful text-based window manager, shell multiplexer, and integrated DevOps environment. Using Byobu, you can quickly create and move between different windows over a single SSH connection or TTY terminal, split each of those windows into multiple panes, monitor dozens of important statistics about your system, detach and reattach to sessions later while your programs continue to run in the background.


random useful tools that do not yet have a permanent home
Install the latest version of col5 in Debian, Ubuntu, Alpine, Kali, Fedora, Raspbian and macOS from terminal. To install the col5 just copy the above command for your OS and run into terminal. After you run the command it will grab the latest version of col5 from the respository and install it in your computer/server.