How To Install Afl-fuzz?

How To Install Afl-fuzz?


instrumentation-driven fuzzer for binary formats

Maintainer: Daniel Stender

Section: devel

Install afl-fuzz

  • Debian apt-get install afl Click to copy
  • Ubuntu apt-get install afl Click to copy
  • Alpine OS apk add afl Click to copy
  • Arch Linux pacman -S afl Click to copy
  • Kali Linux apt-get install afl Click to copy
  • Fedora dnf install american-fuzzy-lop Click to copy
  • Raspbian apt-get install afl Click to copy


instrumentation-driven fuzzer for binary formats

American fuzzy lop is a fuzzer that employs compile-time instrumentation and genetic algorithms to automatically discover clean, interesting test cases that trigger new internal states in the targeted binary. This substantially improves the functional coverage for the fuzzed code. The compact synthesized corpora produced by the tool are also useful for seeding other, more labor- or resource-intensive testing regimes down the road. afl-fuzz is designed to be practical: it has modest performance overhead, uses a variety of highly effective fuzzing strategies, requires essentially no configuration, and seamlessly handles complex, real-world use cases - say, common image parsing or file compression libraries.


fuzzer for binary formats
Install the latest version of afl-fuzz in Debian, Ubuntu, Alpine, Arch, Kali, Fedora and Raspbian from terminal. To install the afl-fuzz just copy the above command for your OS and run into terminal. After you run the command it will grab the latest version of afl-fuzz from the respository and install it in your computer/server.