Display_resource Command

Display_resource Command


CheckBox generic resource jobs provider

Install display_resource

  • Debian apt-get install plainbox-provider-resource-generic Click to copy
  • Ubuntu apt-get install plainbox-provider-resource-generic Click to copy
  • Raspbian apt-get install plainbox-provider-resource-generic Click to copy


CheckBox generic resource jobs provider

This package provides the generic resource jobs. It is used together alongside with PlainBox. Jobs are smallest units of testing that can be performed by PlainBox. All jobs have an unique name. There are many types of jobs, some are fully automated others are fully manual. Resources are collections of key-value data sets that are generated by special resource jobs. They are extensively used to indicate hardware or software dependencies. For example a bluetooth test may indicate it requires bluetooth hardware and appropriate software packages installed.

Installing display_resource command is simple. just copy one of the above commands for your operating system and paste it into terminal. This command is available for Debian, Ubuntu and Raspbian operating systems. Once you run the command it will install the latest version of display_resource 2024 package in your OS.